Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

2NE1's Dara's Me2Day Update Featuring G-Dragon

2NE1's Dara's Me2Day Update Featuring G-Dragon (110618) [PHOTO]

GD's sign: "I'm...The Worst"
Dara's sign:"I'm The Very Best"

제 일 잘나가~뮤비촬영장에 응원하러 찾아와주신 사장님,테디오빠,쿠시,지용이!파이어때부터 매번 한결같이 응원와주시는 훈훈한 와이지 빼밀리!덕분에 지치고 힘든 밤샘촬영 으쌰으쌰 할수이땅!^0^졸리지않아~!!!ㅋ못나간다고 썻지만 사실은 제일~잘나가는 지디와 함께 찰칵!^_^v

Translation:"Our president, Teddy Oppa, Kush, and Jiyong came to the music video shoot for "The Very Best!" Ever since Fire, the tight YG Family would always come and support us each time! Thanks to you guys, even during the tough and tiring shoots through the night, we can shout out eusha eusha!^0^ We're not tired~!!! Ke I snapped this with GD who wrote that he's "The Worst" but the truth is he's "The Very~ Best"!"

Source: Dara Me2day
Translation: Gee@ ygladies

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