Big Bang will have a long 'blank period' of their activities? [NEWS]
Big Bang will have a long 'blank period' of their activities? The delay of the report about Daesung's traffic accident attracted attention.
The police has identified that Daesung of Big Bang (real name: Kang Dae Sung) had not been involved in the preceding accident which the deceased was in. However, the exact report about the accident from the police has not been released yet The release of it has been delayed for about 1 week already comparing with the scheduled date.
As the investigation of the police about the accident is slow, the release of the report is also postponed. The police is currently investigating carefully whether there was a 'hit and run' involved although it was reported that there was none in some news.
According to the CCTV, 'there was a preceding accident', the investigation of the situation at that time will be revealed. Therefore, the release of the investigation report from the police has attracted attention.
If the investigation report confirmed that it was the negligence of Daesung which contributed to the fatal accident, then, it seems that it will exert great influence on the future activities of Big Bang. It is very likely that the suspension of their future activities will be prolonged.
Seoul Yeongdeungpo police told newsen on 15th, June,' the result of the autopsy was originally scheduled to be released on 15th but a little more time is needed for the investigation. It is likely that the result will be released on the coming 23th and 24th.'
On 31th of May at around 1:40am, Daesung encountered a traffic accident when he was driving along the southern end of Yanghwa Bridge.His car crashed with the taxi which was in front of him.
Looking at the incident from a variety of angles. the police is currently investigating whether the death of Mr Hyeonmo at that time was caused by a preceding accident or the accident which Daesung was involved. If it is found that the death is caused by Daesung, he has to face the criminal penalty.
And it is reported that this accident has exerted big impact on the future activities of Big Bang and fans are concerned about whether the 'blank period' of their activities will be a long one.
Source: newsen
Translated by: Rice @bigbangupdates
If the investigation report confirmed that it was the negligence of Daesung which contributed to the fatal accident, then, it seems that it will exert great influence on the future activities of Big Bang. It is very likely that the suspension of their future activities will be prolonged.
Seoul Yeongdeungpo police told newsen on 15th, June,' the result of the autopsy was originally scheduled to be released on 15th but a little more time is needed for the investigation. It is likely that the result will be released on the coming 23th and 24th.'
On 31th of May at around 1:40am, Daesung encountered a traffic accident when he was driving along the southern end of Yanghwa Bridge.His car crashed with the taxi which was in front of him.
Looking at the incident from a variety of angles. the police is currently investigating whether the death of Mr Hyeonmo at that time was caused by a preceding accident or the accident which Daesung was involved. If it is found that the death is caused by Daesung, he has to face the criminal penalty.
And it is reported that this accident has exerted big impact on the future activities of Big Bang and fans are concerned about whether the 'blank period' of their activities will be a long one.
Source: newsen
Translated by: Rice @bigbangupdates
indonesia translate..:
BIGBANG Akan Memiliki ‘Masa Kosong’ yang Panjang Dari Aktivitas Mereka?
Big Bang akan memiliki ‘masa kosong’ yang panjang dari kegiatan mereka? Keterlambatan laporan tentang kecelakaan lalu lintas Daesung menarik banyak perhatian.
Polisi sudah mengidentifikasi bahwa Daesung dari Big Bang (nama asli: Kang Dae Sung) tidak terlibat dalam kecelakaan sebelumnya yang membuat seseornag meninggal. Namun, laporan yang tepat tentang kecelakaan tersebut dari polisi belum diumumkan. Laporan yang seharusnya sudah diumumkan tetapi terlambat hampir 1 minggu sudah dibandingkan dengan tangal yang dijadwalkan.
Karena penyelidikan dari polisi tentang kecelakaan tersebut juga lama sehingga pengumuman dari laporan tersebut juga tertunda. Saat ini polisi sedang menyelidiki secara hati-hati apakah ada kejadian ‘tabrak lari’ yang ikut terlibat.
Menurut CCTV, ‘ada kecelakaan sebelumnya’, penyelidikan dari situasi pada saat itu akan diungkapkan. Oleh karena itu, pengumuman laporan penyelidikan dari polisi telah menarik perhatian.
Jika laporan penyelidikan menegaskan bahwa itu adalah kelalaian Daesung yang berkontribusi pada kecelakaan fatal tersebut, maka, tampaknya itu akan memberikan pengaruh besar pada kegiatan masa depan dari Big Bang. Hal ini sangat mungkin bahwa penundaan kegiatan masa depan mereka akan menjadi lebih panjang.
Polisi Seoul Yeongdeungpo memberi tahu newsen pada 15 Juni, ‘pada awalnya hasil dari otopsi dijadwalkan keluar pada tanggal 15 tapi kami masih memerlukan sedikit waktu untuk menyelidiki lagi. Sepertinya hasil tersebut akan keluar pada tanggal 23 dan 24.’
Pada tanggal 31 Mei sekitar pukul 1:40 pagi, Daesung mengalami sebuah kecelakaan lalu lintas ketika dia menyetir sepanjang selatan jembatan Yanghwa. Mobilnya menabrak taksi yang berada di depannya.
Melihat kecelakaan tersebut dari berbagai posisi. Baru-baru ini polisi sedang menyelidiki apakah kematian dari Hyeonmo pada saat itu disebabkan oleh sebuah kecelakaan sebelumnya atau kecelakaan yang Daesung terlibat di dalamnya. Jika ditemukan kalau kematiannya disebabkan oleh Daesung, maka ia harus menghadapi denda pidana.
Dan seperti yang dilaporkan bahwa kecelakaan ini telah memberikan dampak yang besar pada aktivitas masa depan dari Big Bang dan para penggemar mengkhawatirkan tentang apakah ‘masa kosong’ dari aktivitas mereka akan menjadi salah satu yang panjang.
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